Collaborative Practice is designed for various participants including...

Couples Who Want to Keep Divorce Private

Privacy is an important dimension of the separation and divorce process. Public dissemination of the personal details of your family and your financial life can be personally embarrassing, professionally damaging, and hurtful to your children. Most couples want to protect their children and their family from these risks of traditional litigation and do not want the details of their divorce to become public knowledge.

People are generally unaware that the courtroom is public and in many instances open to any member of the press or community who can sit in the courtroom during these proceedings. Most divorcing couples would rather not have the details of their life on display for public inspection, especially if the divorce involves high-conflict issues, children, financial concerns or the typical mudslinging of acrimonious and adversarial litigation. Your friends, colleagues, neighbors, and the curious – any one – can learn the details of the accusations made by you and by your spouse, regardless of the truth of these allegations.

In a Collaborative Divorce your privacy is protected. Only you, your spouse and your Collaborative team know the details of your divorce. Equally important is that the Collaborative process is designed to reduce high conflict and prevent the derogatory accusations from impeding a settlement that works for every member of the family.