NYACP Speaker and Topic Bureau

About the NYACP Speaker and Topic Bureau

The NYACP Speaker and Topic Bureau is a vehicle to enlist speakers and topics for our events that would be of interest to our member legal, financial and mental health professionals.

We are looking for speakers from private firms, civic organizations, or public agencies. These speakers may be NYACP members or non-members who have had professional experience related to NYACP's goal of providing families an interdisciplinary matrimonial dispute resolution process in which both parties and all professionals commit themselves to resolving all issues fairly and equitably without the use of the court. Speakers may be professionals who are particularly educated or knowledgeable about the divorce process, state regulations or legislation, financial implications, or family counseling.

Each year, NYACP speakers provide presentations to hundreds of collaborative professionals who specialize in this process as a cost-efficient and respectful way of reaching agreements that work for both of the parties and their families in the metro New York area.

The NYACP Speaker and Topic Bureau is a free service as a part of our public communication and outreach programs.

We are looking to identify topics that will be of interest to our members, as well as presenters to provide training. If you would like to submit a request to be a presenter, or want to request a speaker or topic that is pertinent to your practice, please let us know!

Click Here to Submit a Topic or Speaker