COVID-19 Information Resources for NYACP Members and Collaborative Divorce Families
The New York Association of Collaborative Professionals is committed to our members, and their clients, through this evolving situation associated with the coronavirus. Those working through the divorce process may already be in an emotionally vulnerable state, and the implications of COVID-19 could add to an already stressful situation.
Reducing risk of exposure for ourselves and our families is imperative to minimize added stress, and it's also very important to gather updated information from trusted sources. Below is information and coronavirus-related resources of interest to both Collaborative Professionals and the families they represent during this difficult time.
Advice for Families Government Resources & Information in Response to COVID-19 Association Leader & Member Resources & Information in Response to COVID-19
Advice for Families
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. Relay your calmness to your children. Be honest about the seriousness of the pandemic but maintain a calm attitude and convey to your children your belief that everything will return to normal in time. Refrain from making comments in front of the children that will cause them stress or confusion and avoid exposing them to the continuous media coverage. Encourage conversation and questions and answer them truthfully at a level that is appropriate for their age.
Comply with all CDC and local and state guidelines and model good behavior for your children with intensive hand washing, wiping down surfaces and other objects that are frequently touched, and maintaining social distancing. Stay in touch with the most reliable media sources and avoid the rumor mill on social media.
It will be most beneficial for your family to continue to abide by court orders and custody agreements for consistency in your lives during these inconsistent times. Court order and custody agreements exist to prevent arguments or continual negotiation. Often these agreements mandate that if schools are closed, custody agreements should remain in force as though school were still in session.
While consistency is advised, obviously our lives have all changed. How children are being schooled, entertained and cared for will evolve. Parents may have to work extra hours or transferring children from one home to another may prove difficult. Set routines will inevitably need to change but the goal is to keep any changes from being stressful for parents and children. If necessary, create new ways to communicate with family members through shared books, movies, games and FaceTime or Skype. Create new ways to entertain and educate by using free resources.
Government Resources & Information in Response to COVID-19
NYACP is continuing to operate virtually to provide our members with uninterrupted service as our nation combats COVID-19.
To assist our members, we enlisted the services of our partner, Capitol Hill Management Services, to assemble this COVID-19 Resource Center in order to provide you with the latest information, guidance and resources in relation to COVID-19.
Below, you can find summaries of Federal and New York State actions and resources that may be of assistance to you and your organization. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]
U.S. Federal Government New York State Government
Association Leader & Member Resources & Information in Response to COVID-19
Communications: Ensuring Trusted & Timely Information for Your Members During the Pandemic Event Planning During the Pandemic "Virtual Reality": Using Technology for Connectivity and Support Finance Expertise for Your Association Other Helpful Resources for Association Leaders